Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 in one day... a record

this is really just for mom, since she's the only one I've told... (and no, the picture isn't for mom, but that is the finger.)

my finger is still bleeding. just a little though. i had to take off the bandaid so it could get some air, and i cleaned it. you can pull it open and see deep red inside, the meat of my finger i guess. it still isn't laying down flush with the rest of my finger so hopefully they'll be able to find some glass tomorrow and get it out. it currently has gauze with tape on it. just gauze over the cut and tape holding it snugly in place. i do have to do dishes tomorrow though. it won't be pleasant.


Analee said...

how did you cut yourself?

Melissa said...

What happened?!?

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

cleaning a new glass bowl, it broke in my hand, in my finger actually. quite painful. bled forever, about 2 hours!