Tuesday, March 31, 2009

mom ism

Mom went to the drug store. She saw they had fishing rods for sale for $10 each. she bought 2. came home and gave them to dad and said "i bought you some fishing rods, for your grandsons" dad says, "mama, I have 3 grandsons"

Wonder which one she forgot.


I'm to sexy for my chert said...

NO FAIR! That is not the way that conversation went! I bought the little rods for the boat...for whomever went fishing ON THE BOAT. I thought it would be me and dad or Butch and dad....OR A (meaning one)grandson OR grand-daughter because I know only ONE would be allowed to go at the time. When he said "I have 3 grandsons" it was without the knowledge that only ONE would be using ONE at the time. I did not at any time buy those rods for "his" grandsons....whatever you or he thinks!

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

Well what the heck happened? That comment was from ME>>>>>DENA, the Mama. I guess you failed to sign out on the home computer and when I went to my bookmarks, it took me back to YOU!!

Dena said...

I got it back to ME. Sorry for the first two mixed up comments...

Analee said...

its funnier the way dad explained it.