Sunday, January 11, 2009

Q & A

1. Where is your cell phone? on the counter

2. Your significant other? Mark

3. Your hair? Darker than it use to be

4. Your mother? dramatic

5. Your father? retired

6. Your favorite thing? round hay bales

7. Your dream last night? Horrifying

8. Your favorite drink? Cherry Coke with lime

9 Your goal/dream? Personal success- life

10. What room are you in? den

11. Your hobby? shoes

12. Your fear? Failure

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? NC, married with a job. maybe a kid

14. Where were you last night? Home

15. Something that you aren't? employed

16. Muffins? mixed berry

17. Wish list item? a job and therefore money for a wedding in January

18. Where did you grow up? Zebulon

19. Last thing you did? pop popcorn

20. What are you wearing? brown socks, green Keens, jeans, brown shirt, teal fleece

21. Your TV? in dad's control

22. Your pets? Maggie

23. Friends? few but strong

24. Your life? Waiting

25. Your mood? lonely

26. Missing someone? yes

27. Your car? last leg

28. Something you're not wearing? gloves

29. Your favorite store? Macys

30. Your favorite color? Green

31. When is the last time you laughed? just a minute ago at analee's toenail blog

32. Last time you cried? yesterday- dang country songs

33. Who will resend this? no clue

34. One place that I go to over and over? in my mind i go to the lavender garden at Ceago

35. One person who emails me regularly? Analee

36. My favorite place to eat? IHOP

37. One place I would like to go right now? Ceago. Nice, CA

38. One person I think will respond? same as 33

39. One TV show I watch all the time? Friends

1 comment:

Dena said...

I am, she says with a dramatic pause, offended.