Friday, August 22, 2008


it is 921 and it has already been a bad day...

sitting in chemistry, the professor might as well have been yelling at me in german. Everything sounded so harsh and I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. My eyes teared up, I had a lump in my throat from trying to contain the sob that matched the tears. Not only do I have to learn chem 2 this semester, but I have to re-learn (funny statement because I never learned it) chem 1.


Analee said...


so i suppose i should pass on some sisterly advice... at this point (2 days into your last semester), you can declare defeat (and fail or get a d in chem2), or you can work harder than ever to prove to YOURSELF that you CAN do it.

i did it, you can do it too. and just think of how you'll feel in a few weeks if you try harder than EVER to learn chemistry and push that lump so far down your throat that it comes out your butt! (haha, think kendal straining...)

and, in reality, you have the book so you CAN teach it to yourself. plus you have my nerd-o husband to help... don't forget that. and if you're doing the orbitals and bonds and stuff, i remember all about that! (well, some of it...)

Melissa said...

USE THE BOOK! Go to the library, too... check out some alternate chemistry books. Those might have it written in a way that makes perfect sense to you. You have met your match - chemistry - now step up and beat it! You can do it!!

Doc said...

Go to the learning center...

And call up your nerdy brother.